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group not found

6 years 6 months ago #2881 by BillBlight
Not sure what you mean by location

THIS tells it where to look

Enabled = true
Module = GroupsModule
ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector
GroupsServerURI = "${Const|jOpensimURL}/components/com_opensim/interface.php"

; These values must match your settings in "Global Configuration"!
XmlRpcServiceReadKey = 1234
XmlRpcServiceWriteKey = 4321

; Optional:
MessagingEnabled = true
MessagingModule = GroupsMessagingModule
NoticesEnabled = true
DebugEnabled = false

and had you read all the instructions, you would have the ${Const|jOpensimURL} set up in the OpenSim.ini as instructed, you would have your read write keys set in your jopenism and in your INI to match.

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6 years 6 months ago #2882 by BillBlight
You seem to not understand how XMLRPC groups works ..

It makes a call to a php page in this case jopensim and does what that page tells it, in this case it does not put any data in the opensim database it writes to the jopensim database and gets all its settings from there.

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6 years 6 months ago #2883 by andsim

watcher64 wrote: You seem to not understand how XMLRPC groups works ..

It makes a call to a php page in this case jopensim and does what that page tells it, in this case it does not put any data in the opensim database it writes to the jopensim database and gets all its settings from there.

nothing to do the setup. i need to move group from opensim to joomla groups
at the moment i am moving data around

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6 years 6 months ago #2884 by BillBlight
Sorry if I sound like an ass but form most of the posts in this thread, it seems that you really just need to sit down and stop what you are doing, read all the documentation and understand it, rather than assuming ..

All of the answers to questions in this thread are in the setup instructions ...

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6 years 6 months ago - 6 years 6 months ago #2885 by djphil
A script exist to migrate old xmlrpc groups to new groups V2 and jOpensim Groups
The migration script can be found here :woohoo:

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6 years 6 months ago #2886 by Fredy
I could rip out my hair atm too.

My settings in Opensim.ini
Enabled = true
LevelGroupCreate = 0
Module = GroupsModule
; StorageProvider = OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll
ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector
; LocalService = local
GroupsServerURI = "${Const|jOpensimURL}/components/com_opensim/interface.php"
MessagingEnabled = true
MessagingModule = GroupsMessagingModule
NoticesEnabled = true
DebugEnabled = false
XmlRpcServiceReadKey = 1234
XmlRpcServiceWriteKey = 4321

My settings in jOpenSim Settings/ Group:

Group ReadKey 1234
Group WriteKey 4321

I got no improvement from switching from V2 Groups to GroupsModule.

I do have data in os_groups_groups in my database table
I do NOT have data in my jos_opensim_group

I logged into the simulator. I delete my group.
I went to php admin and deleted/flushed my group from the os_groups_groups

I restarted the simulator with the new GroupsModule Settings.
I made a new group inWorld.

I checked database tables and the values goes to os_groups_groups again instead of jos_opensim_group

Can not view groups in the jOpenSim Admin Panel, the list is empty.

Well - now we could switch back to V2 Groups again, cause data is in os_groups_groups and move it with the OpenSim Script above to jos_opensim_groups.

But as I understand the script is moving data from jos_opensim_groups to os_groups_groups. As the data is there already in my case, no need to.

Still getting no groups in jOpenSim. So strange.

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6 years 6 months ago #2887 by BillBlight
Willing to bet in your modules somewhere you still have v2 enabled, a

nd you have more than one groups module enabled, and which ever loads last is going to take over ..

Jopensim groups will NOT use the os_groups_group at all , if you have it configured right, , os_groups_group is only for V2 groups witch jopensim does NOT use at all .. so I don't know what "script" you are talking about

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6 years 6 months ago #2888 by BillBlight
Jopensim ONLY uses the Joomla database for groups, end of story, if you are looking at a database other than the same one joomla users for your groups, then you have it setup WRONG.

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6 years 6 months ago #2889 by BillBlight
So the bottom line is .. You have something configured wrong ..

1.) Jopensim users xmlrpc groups, also know as v1 or simply groupsmodule.

2.) It will NOT automatically import groups, you will have NO groups until you add one.


4.) If you read the instructions you'd know this already.

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6 years 6 months ago #2890 by BillBlight
This is mine and I can guarantee it is not a problem with jopensim, my groups work perfect.
Did you set your ${Const|jOpensimURL} in your [Const] section of your OpenSim.ini ?

Enabled = true
Module = GroupsModule
ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector
GroupsServerURI = "${Const|jOpensimURL}/components/com_opensim/interface.php"

; These values must match your settings in "Global Configuration"!
XmlRpcServiceReadKey = *******
XmlRpcServiceWriteKey = *******

; Optional:
MessagingEnabled = true
MessagingModule = GroupsMessagingModule
NoticesEnabled = true
DebugEnabled = false

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